Good day I hope you are having a great day. The other day I was at Costco and even though
I have seen this scene many times before in many places, it prompted me to
write this post. The question that I
have is Why do people leave their shopping carts all over the place when it
only takes a few steps to put it back into the return carts area? I thought
about and brainstormed many possible reasons. Is it laziness? Is it people are
not looking for the return area? Is it that nobody will know? Is it, it’s good
enough if I just leave it here? Is it the thought that somebody else will take care
of it? What is the reason that some people just leave their carts right there
without returning them?

Well when it comes to success principles as well as using
The Law of Attraction (LOA), all the reasons / excuses, I stated above for not
returning the carts, are stumbling
blocks to achieving greatness. All the reasons, like: nobody is looking, it’s
good enough, somebody else will do it, why should I, I’m lazy, when trying to
use The LOA to succeed or following any success principles are stumbling blocks
in the way of your success. Dave Ramsey
said “how you do anything is how you do everything”. It may seem to be a small little thing here
that “hey I’m not going to take that extra 2 to five minutes to take that cart
back to where it belongs, what’s the big deal?”, but if you take short cuts
like this in little things, imagine what you do when things matter or when you
are faced with bigger challenges. If you
can’t do the right thing when it comes to the easy stuff, what makes you
believe you can do the right thing when things become harder? In fact it is much more difficult. What you
are doing here is you are training yourself to get used to a pattern of “taking
the easy way out”. It is a behavior
Visualization, one of the greatest tools of manifesting is
thought by many people to be easy, but concentrating and making your mind do what you want it to do
is one of the hardest tasks that any person can accomplish on a consistent
bases. Success requires
persistence, and doing little things
properly over and over. If you cannot
return a shopping cart to its proper place, you will definitely not be able to succeed in amassing wealth or
building a great relationship. You may
not agree. You may say but A.J. it is just a little shopping cart. I will do
the right thing when things matter. Really? Only you can answer that. Actually
I take it back. You have fooled yourself into believing that is the case. I am
calling your bluff and I am saying you are full of S#@%. I am pushing you here today and challenging
you to prove to yourself you can do the right thing every time, and all the
time. You don’t have to prove it to me.
Who gives a crap right? You have to prove this to yourself. Success begins here. Success begins with the little things.
Success does not accept compromise. Anything
worth doing, is worth doing right is not a cliché of my grandfather’s

I hope this post was productive and made you think. Please feel free to share this with anyone
who may benefit from it. I look forwards to your views and comments on this
point on my Facebook Page and Twitter feed. Please click on the appropriate
blue link and leave me comments or your thoughts. Till next week to your