Good day and I hope you are having a great day. Today’s post is for all of you
non-believers. Today is for those who
are frustrated. Today is for those who just
don’t listen. I do not intend to make
you believe. I do not want to tell you what to do. I will treat you as adults
that I hope you are and simply lay out the facts and let you take action based
on those facts remembering that no action is also a form of action. You can keep on doing what you have always
been doing, and you know where that will get you already, or you can take
actions to have the life you always wanted.
There are
certain Universal laws that govern our planet and our lives. You don’t have to believe in them. In fact
for many centuries people did not believe them. The fact that they did not
believe them meant that they would suffer the consequences. If you don’t believe that gravity is real,
and you think you can fly, you will fall.
If you know the specifics of the law of gravity and choose to work within
its parameters you can utilize it to fly without getting hurt. For example the sort of knowledge I am talking about is as
such: On earth the force of gravity is 9.8N/kg times the mass of the object. If
you can overcome that force you can fly. Well that is not exactly true either... let me blow your mind about points of reference. See this video
The same applies
to electricity. If you don’t understand
the rules that dictate how electricity works, and you touch a live wire, you
will get electrocuted. It does not matter if you believe it or not. Ignorance of the law in this case is definitely
BLISS. If you know how the forces
of electric current work, or you can seek the advice and expertise of an
electrician however, you can have the convenience of warming up your food in a
microwave, and have light to read by at night.
It has nothing to do with your belief. It has nothing to do with your stubbornness.
It has nothing to do with persistence either.
You do the same thing you will get the same results. Get electrocuted if
you touch the live wire with your bare hands if you have no knowledge of how electricity
What makes
The Law of Attraction different is that even though this law is as old as time,
the bulk of humanity was not exposed to how it works for a long time, and only
recently it has come to our attention.
Those who knew about it, either did not want to share the information or
did not understand how they had use it to explain it. There were many books written and hinted to
how this works, but they were either too vague, or mystical and difficult to interpret. We are so fortunate that in our time, now in
2015 there is so much information about how to use The Law of Attraction
(LOA). There are many teachers that have
been working successfully with this law for many years, decade even. There are also unfortunately many people who
pose as such but do not convey the information needed.
This is the
reason why this blog will always remain free. I only put here what I have been
using successfully and the information that has worked for me. I do not seek to convert you to my way of
thinking. I really could not do that anyway.
I only care that you experience the same joy and success that I was
faced with when I learned that something like this is out there that dictates
how the Universe works. I was pissed at first that it took me so long to be
exposed to it, but as we know being pissed is a very high energy vibration and will
only bring me more opportunities to be pissed. So unless I wanted to keep on
being pissed, I had to change the vibration to something like gratitude for
having had the information presented to me. Gratitude for being open minded at
the time to try to play and experiment with it. Gratitude to stick to it when
things did not work, and investigate what was it that I was not doing properly,
and making changes to fix those.
If you
believe you can and if you believe you cannot you are right is what Henry Ford
said. Therein lies this Universal law in
a nut shell. History is full of
incidences where people tried to tell the rest of the society how to use The
LOA. Some people picked up the hint and
succeeded and others ignored it as a fad, or gibberish. Well, that is where this will take us as well.
You can take the hint and if you are new to LOA or are struggling with it, read
the earlier blogs and work your way to here. Or you can be lazy, skeptical, or
ignorant, and go about doing what you have been doing and … what expect a
different result?
I hope this
post has stimulated your thought process. If you are a reader of this post and
a student of LOA, I hope this has energized you to go deep to the basics and practice
them over and over again. Don’t get complacent. These are great times for
humanity regardless of what you see out in the so called “real world”. The more people realize this the faster we
can all have the world we “want to live in” because we have to share this
planet with others. We can each have
what we want, but how cool and how much easier would it be if everyone
practiced these principles? I can’t wait to see that. Comment on my Facebookpage, and send me Tweets on my Twitter feed. Till next week, to your success
and happy holidays.