You see you can write your affirmations, and lists, and even
read them over and over quickly every day, but even though that is better than
doing nothing, there is something missing.
When you do the same thing, bring up the “reverence” of the action, take
time to feel the feelings of what you want, and do this over and over in the
same place, you are amplifying the vibration you send out to the Universe.

I am deliberately making a drastic contrast here to make a
point. Many times when I am asked about why
The LOA has not worked for people, I have to ask deep question about how the
person is using and practicing The LOA.
Often times, when people first stumble or deliberately study The Law of
Attraction, they are gun ho about doing the visualization and feeling the
feelings, and doing it in a setting of being calm, and at peace. If you have
been introduced to LOA at a seminar or event, you are surrounded by like-minded
people, who have now added their energy to yours. The environment is conducive
to well-being. Then you go home and for a
few days, maybe few weeks, do the process with the residual energy from the
event still motivating you, and when you don’t see anything happening you
either give up or do not put any effort into their process. Then people may
just do things like machines. Machines,
and animals do not utilize the Law of Attraction because they do not have the
control over their emotions. You
can tweet that one if you want. As humans we have the ability to DIRECT our thoughts, and
by extrapolation we can DIRECT and control, with practice, the EMOTIONS that
those thoughts elicit. The process of
rituals is seen as sacred but it does not have to have a religious connotation. It just has to have an
emotional component to it.
long as you give it the attention you would give any kind of ritual, then you
will gain a better result from your manifestations. The keeping of a set place
is discussed in previous (see Sanctuary)
posts and will give you a boost as you and your subconscious
will associate the place with the feeling of getting into manifesting “ritual”
so as you practice it more and more your body and subconscious will get more
and more used to it and you can reach your vibration and be in “the zone”
quicker and quicker.
I hope this post was helpful and provided you with an
additional step to make your manifestation practices highly productive. As always please feel free to share this and
comment on my Facebook page and send me Tweets on my Twitter page. Till next week, to your success.