Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to Deal with Bad Habits and/or Situations

Good day. Today I want to talk about a topic that will come up from now and then regarding how to deal with established bad habits that we have accumulated throughout life and/or situations that are less than ideal.  This is a core lesson for anyone interested in success, and principals of success as well as any student of The Law of Attraction. Why I say this? Because no matter how adept one becomes at achieving success, without confronting and eliminating bad habits, those successes will be temporary.  In the Master Key System , Charles Haanel describes “the way to forget something is to GET SOMETHING FOR IT”.  So the first step to overcoming a bad habit is to replace it with a positive one. The same is true for circumstances. We know our current circumstances are the result of our past thinking. So we need to get something to replace those thoughts. Otherwise the concentration on how miserable we are in the current circumstance only adds fuel to the circumstance that we do NOT want.  We need to concentrate on the ideal.  Just like in the garden, weed stays around days after the root has been destroyed, bad habits and circumstances that have dominated our life, tend to stay around for a while.  After all 15 minutes of positive thinking in the face of 20 years of negativity will not magically change everything in an instance. We must persist in our vision, and the feeling of the ideal,  and soon we will deny the bad situation, and habits the power to persist and we are left with the ideal.  The hard part is keeping up the persistence in the face of bad situations or prevailing bad habits.  We have learned that what we see is real. The concept that our reality is formed by our previous thoughts is foreign to many of us and it takes faith and energy to continue to keep ourselves motivated.  If this concept is new to you please go back and read some of the earlier posts on how the Law of Attraction works and what it is about. Persistence takes practice, and requires constant recharge by providing ourselves with positive energy in the form of information, meditation, rest, and positive influences.  This is one of the reasons I started this blog and wrote a book. By concentrating on being positive on this blog week after week, I keep the concentration on positivity. It is very difficult at times, and I find I have to keep on recharging my batteries by re-reading many of the books I mention here and in my book Road Map to Life: A real world Lesson, but the alternative  is unthinkable.  I hope as I keep up this blog more and  more people find it beneficial and this can serve as a source of recharging your batteries.
Best wishes for all, till next week. As always please feel free to share this blog posting.

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