Good day and I hope you are having a great week. I was
studying some Lean Sigma concepts the other day as part of my expanding
education and I came to a lesson called “Scoping a Project”. In essence the
challenge for any problem solving project in the real world is to define and
breakdown the problem to a manageable piece that can be tackled. Most of the time projects seem to have a
focus like “Solve World Hunger Issue”.
They are just too broad to tackle in any meaningful way. These type of
global topics wastes resources, energy, and leads to disappointments which
leads to giving up or declaring the problem impossible to solve.
Success in any area of your life is usually the same. It is
just too broad to tackle all at once. I
have read both Wallace D. Wattles, and Jack Canfield state this in different
ways and I am paraphrasing here: “Success is taking small successful steps over
and over every day. Smalls successes done each and every day will get you to
your goals.” The challenge is that the
majority of us cannot define the small steps, or more to the point we cannot recognize
what we think we want to overcome is
just too broad a challenge that needs to be broken down into smaller

Take disciplining my little ones for example. To deal with
this concept all at once posed a major challenge for me.
I made both myself and my kids miserable
when I tried to overcome the global “be a good kid” challenge.
No one was gaining anything from the
experience. I had to break down the issue to things that at first encompassed
keeping them out of danger. Next came the things that were important to their
health. We were fortunate that the basics manners and associations with others
they just picked up from mimicking the actions of my wife and me. At each stage
the hardest part was to let others things just be resolved by ” what felt good
to ME”. For example when I was working on timely sleeping habits, I had to
allow some snaking if it would be the peaceful resolution to keeping on track
with sleeping ritual. This went against every fiber of my parenting thoughts
and instincts.
From the perspective of
The Law of Attraction though it makes perfect sense.
I have to be feeling good to attract positive
incidences to me. If I start a conflict when I am concentrating on a behavior,
that only will attract more negative conflict to me and hinders my child’s
It is so much easier to say
and write this than to practice and to this day I have to keep on reminding
myself that my emotional alarm system is there to help me.
I went through a time,
as I am sure many parents have, where I felt
like I was doing everything wrong.
kept on asking myself and the Universe “how am I attracting all this negativity
in my kids behavior?”.
I knew for
certain that I had been blessed with two very well behaved and well-adjusted
I was tackling something that was
just too broad for, and here is the key, MY COMFORT ZONE AT THE TIME.
Perhaps if other stressors were not
at the time, I could have
remained positive while dealing with multiple areas of disciplining my
What matters is your feelings are
telling you that you are chewing more than you can handle NOW.
Perhaps after an exercise session or a walk
around the block you can manage more.

If you see repeated setbacks, try to see if you can break
down the path to your goal into smaller pieces that you can succeed in with
less difficulty.
Listen to your feelings
until the steps feel good.
The size of
the steps are in a large part dependent on how strong your WHY is?
Maybe it is time to rewrite all the positive
feelings and positive reasons that you want this goal again on paper.
There is allot of power in this
So the moral of the story is to scope your goals into little
pieces that are actionable. As the old saying goes, “The way to eat an elephant
is one bit at a time”. Do not try to eat the whole elephant. With practice you will get good at this. I
caution you though it is not easy to see it if you are not familiar with the
concept. More important if you have not practice it by taking actionable steps.
We are so used to seeing the whole project or challenge. Sometimes looking at
the forest is just too overwhelming.
I hope you enjoyed this post and as always feel free to
comment on our
Facebook page and
follow me on Twitter. Share this post and this
blog with anyone who you feel may benefit from it. Till next Tuesday here is to
your success.
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