Good day and I hope you are having a great week. Last week I
was in Nashville, TN and while downtown enjoying the variety of live music, I
notices something that relates to the topics we discuss here with regards to
success and The Law of Attraction (LOA).
The artists that perform at the various bars, rely largely on tips.
There were many ways that they approached this. Some had a Tip Jar in front of
the stage. Many repeatedly mentioned that they “only are compensated by tips”
and asked for donations after every few songs. Many took requests for
donations. One band in particular though
did all that but also something a little more which demonstrated the power of
The lead singer, a young lady about 4’ 2”, would come down
the stage and walk from table to table with the tip jar in her hand and
converse with the patrons after every 30 or so minutes of playing. She would
ask “where are you guys from? How are you enjoying Nashville? What are you
doing in town?” and all the time she would push out her tip jar, not in a rude,
or pushy way, but in an honest EXPECTATION of what she deserved. She would not
move, until she received what she wanted, and again not in an obnogtious way, but something in her intent just came across
as different and I rarely saw people not tipping her. I also found myself readily
tipping her and so did all my colleagues at the table.
Later that night, I wanted to see what it was that compelled
me to tip readily when at the other bars, I did not feel the same inclination? I
really could not put my finger on it. The only thing that I could come up with
was the fact that she genuinely expected to be tipped for the service she had
performed. There did not seem to be any
hesitancy or lack of faith in her intend.
She was confident, and poised. She was talented sure, but so where the hundreds
of bands that were playing in the various bars lining Broadway. It was not just
talent. It was not the alcohol. It was
something in the vibration that she exuded.
This is very important for us when we set out to achieving desired result. Had she came from a place of uncertainty, or
lack, I doubt the results would have been as prosperous, no pun intended. When we send out the vibration of desire, especially
when it is something we consider “large” the
doubt is, the one great resistance that will delay the manifestation of what we
want. I put the word LARGE in quotes because it is only our beliefs about a
desire that will make it big or small. To the universe manifesting a million
dollars is the same as manifesting a parking space, is the same as manifesting
a cup of coffee. It is only us, that
give it the degree of difficulty. It is a very hard thing to grasp and I also
struggle with it at times. I just have
to keep on reminding myself that the Source does not have or set limitation for
us. The Source always protects us sure, but there is no limitation in what we
can or cannot manifest. It is only our
upbringing that has taught, and ingrained in us the degrees of what is and what
is not possible, and by extrapolation what is hard and takes a long time and
what is simple and does not.
To A multi-millionaire who has issues with his family life,
manifesting a half a million dollar deal may be a piece of cake but relating to
his children may seem an arduous task. To you and I, relating to our kids is
instantaneous. It is all a matter of perspective,
and yes, in some ways practice and comfort.
Please remember it is not the difficulty level, but how comfortable we
feel and what expectation we have.
Expect what you desire. Expect it as yours and coming to
you. Be ready to let it go, if it is not for your best interest. Know that the
Universe will take care of that part. You just follow the opportunities and
take action as they are presented to you and know that the best thing for you
at the right time will happen. I hope
this makes sense. If you have questions on this post or any other please leave
me a comment on the Facebook link of this post, and tweet me on my Twitterfeed. Till next week, to your continued success.