Let me get into this from the stand point of The Law of Attraction (LOA) to make it
clear. When we desire something, especially
if it is something out of our comfort zone, or something we really, really
want, massive amount of resistance happens to tag along. Let me ask you a question. Where do you think wanting something really,
really bad comes from? OK I will make it a multiple choice question for you. Do
you think it comes from (a) Scarcity, or (b) abundance? You got it. You can
feel it don’t you? When we really want,
or need something that is coming from scarcity and scarcity will only bring about
more opportunities to have scarcity. It
will not bring inner peace which is what you need to be a deliberate
But letting go is not an easy thing to do when you really
want something. Also what about keeping your vision in mind and all that? Is
this a contradiction in terms? Not really.
Remember the first rule of manifesting is to be specific and know
exactly what you want. That is the reason you keep your vision in mind and go
over it over and over. To make sure that you are completely clear on what you
want. That has nothing to do with the “wanting
it so bad and that you pass into the desperation”. Letting go does not mean that you have to
force yourself to forget about it. On
the contrary it means to enjoy the vision, enjoy the certainty that it is
coming and “TRUSTING” the Universe that it will come at the perfect time in the
perfect way.
Trusting the Universe has been called faith, belief, hope,
but no matter what you call it, the bottom line is to know that what you want
is coming to you at the perfect time in the perfect way. That is the reason the 2nd law of
manifesting is that the “HOW” is not your responsibility. That does not mean you don’t plan. You plan
for your actions as you get the inspirations to take steps. However do not force the issue the way you
want it, and be fluid enough to adjust your plan as you get feedback from the
Universe in the form of your feelings.
When things feel like they are just too far away, or that they are too
needy, then you are NOT on the right track.
It has to feel good to you. Keep
that in mind. Your emotions are what powers your visions. It is not always easy to go with what feels
good, especially when you want something bad.
After all when we don’t have what we want we don’t feel good. That is
your indication to let it go for “now”.
Remember, when you ask it is always given. So when you let it go, it does not mean that
your desire is not going to come to you anymore. You are just taking a breather to make
yourself calm and get yourself on the right vibration. It does get easier with practice, I promise
I hope this makes sense to you and as always please feel
free to share this with anyone who can benefit.
Don’t forget to leave me comments on my Facebook page and Twitter feed.
Until next week, to your success.