Good day and I hope you are having a great week. Happy Holidays from my family to yours. I put together this video blog to show you a quick way to discern if you are using the Law of Attraction (loa) correctly to your advantage. Enjoy it, share it, and as always to your success.
WELCOME. This is a free blog covering The Law of Attraction and Success principles as I personally have used and learned about. It is for you to learn from, comment on, and discuss and share. I use my personal experiences both good and bad to provide substance for your education in self improvement. All of this comes from LOVE. Start with the links on SOME BASIC POSTS FOR NEW READERS at the bottom right side of the page to catch up. For more one on one LOA Coaching go to ABOUT ME TAB
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Enjoy this video blog. Don't wish you had a immunity boost for the negative thoughts that come into your mind? Well this video shares some real actionable techniques.
Video blog immunity for the mind
Video blog immunity for the mind
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Good day and I hope you are well.
I have just created a YouTube video blog on how your past experiences that you may not be thinking about could potentially be sabotaging your present success. I share very personal information in the hopes that you will learn from my mistakes and manifest the kind of life you deserve. Enjoy and share.
Video Blog of past blocking present success
I have just created a YouTube video blog on how your past experiences that you may not be thinking about could potentially be sabotaging your present success. I share very personal information in the hopes that you will learn from my mistakes and manifest the kind of life you deserve. Enjoy and share.
Video Blog of past blocking present success
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Good day,
In this video I explain the biggest mistake we make when we try to use The Law of Attraction (loa) and how to make sure we can manifest what we want. I hope you enjoy it.
In this video I explain the biggest mistake we make when we try to use The Law of Attraction (loa) and how to make sure we can manifest what we want. I hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
What Do YOU do when everything is at ROCK BOTTOM?
This is a continuation video discussion on my live FB looking now from the point of view of the person experiencing loss. Enjoy
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
FB live : what do you say to someone who has lost everything
See and comment on my live Facebook video and help me with this file a
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Good bye and The end of this blog... for now
Greetings and I hope you are having a great week. This week is my good bye to you. In 2010 I started this blog to help myself be positive. Over the years it developed into a Facebook Page, and a Twitter feed and I hope it helped some people in the course of it. Now it is time for me to leave it be...
I find myself more lost than ever recently. I am off centered and not so "loving". The Law of attraction LOA is about love and in good conscious I cannot really preach what I am having the inability to do in my personal life. I just need to take some time and find out how to be happy again. I need to "put some of the lessons, I teach into practice". I need to find how to love again the genuine love that comes for all not just the people who are good to me or who I like. I need to be "like the tree that gives shade to all not just the people who are good, and even to the person who is chopping it down..." as I heard in a parable.
I wish you all much love. I wish to be able to help you, but I feel the negative energy that is encompassing me will transfer to these words if I continue to "PRETEND". Along the posts of these past 7 years you will find EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) WORK FOR YOU. It is my wish that these posts will find their way to you when and where you need it. I will leave this blog, the Facebook page and the twitter feed active, but I am cancelling all my workshops, personal coaching, and teachings until further notice.
I love you, I wish you the best, and request your prayers, and positive energy...
It has been an honor and pleasure to talk to you from the pages of this blog. It has been a treasure meeting some of you, and talking with more on the phone, and on Q&A sessions. You all have touched my life in so many positive ways.
I bid you farewell and I am confident that ALL WILL BE WELL.
I find myself more lost than ever recently. I am off centered and not so "loving". The Law of attraction LOA is about love and in good conscious I cannot really preach what I am having the inability to do in my personal life. I just need to take some time and find out how to be happy again. I need to "put some of the lessons, I teach into practice". I need to find how to love again the genuine love that comes for all not just the people who are good to me or who I like. I need to be "like the tree that gives shade to all not just the people who are good, and even to the person who is chopping it down..." as I heard in a parable.
I wish you all much love. I wish to be able to help you, but I feel the negative energy that is encompassing me will transfer to these words if I continue to "PRETEND". Along the posts of these past 7 years you will find EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) WORK FOR YOU. It is my wish that these posts will find their way to you when and where you need it. I will leave this blog, the Facebook page and the twitter feed active, but I am cancelling all my workshops, personal coaching, and teachings until further notice.
I love you, I wish you the best, and request your prayers, and positive energy...
It has been an honor and pleasure to talk to you from the pages of this blog. It has been a treasure meeting some of you, and talking with more on the phone, and on Q&A sessions. You all have touched my life in so many positive ways.
I bid you farewell and I am confident that ALL WILL BE WELL.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. Sometimes
we just need to slow down and just be. The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a
powerful, precise, and non-judgmental force of the Universe. We control this
force. We can manipulate this force. Or we can be ruled and manipulated by it.
The LOA does not take into account your secondary motives.
It is precise, or as Forest Gump may have said “… it is what it does”. So when you are going into overdrive, and everything
is spinning out of control, you are not doing anything to help yourself. You
will just attract more of the chaos and commotion. Sometimes that is good and
makes you take action, at other times it is very destructive. Learn to differentiate
the two and take a step back.
This week, for a day, or two or seven just let things happen
and don’t make an impulse decision. Watch the situation and sleep on the
decision and see how things turn out.
Let the Universe protect you without interfering. You will be surprised.
That’s it for this week. The message is simple. There is no
need to muddy the waters with jabber. If you have any questions leave me
comments on my Facebook page or Tweet me on my twitter feed. Till next week, to
your success.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. The Law of
Attraction (LOA) is a powerful force for those individuals who are learning to
use it, but what you may not know is that as you and I go about using this force we are not only
doing ourselves a service, but also helping the entire world. How is that you
may ask? Well that is the topic of this week’s blog post.
The LOA works on vibrations as you well know if you have
been reading this blog or information like it.
Vibrations of thought, and emotions may not be as visible as waves in the
ocean, or ripples in a pond but they are just as real. We are still learning how our thoughts manifest
our reality. Even though this Universal law is as old as time, just like many
of human achievements, we have to learn to work with it. Gravity, lift and drag were also Universal
laws, but it has been less than a century that humans have taken flight. As we
grow and learn more and more about how this works, more and more valuable information
allows us to understand the fact that as with anything LOA, the good only gets
The fact of the matter is that when you send out a vibration
through your thought and even more so though your emotions, those vibrations
have lasting ripple effect. As you
concentrate on the positive, you not only get back your positivity in
manifestation of attracting more opportunity to be positive but that positive
vibration is sent out through the Universe for all of humanity to share. That is the reason why small groups of people
meditating for peace, have a positive
impact in cities with population of millions. The vibrations have exponential
growth as they move through the ether. This
means when you are sending out positive vibrations, you’re helping all humanity
and also more importantly, you have to be aware of your negativity because that
is also passed on through the ether.
Your vibrations expand, just like the ripples of a pebble in
a pond expands. They will continue to
move through the ether long after you send out your vibration. This means your
good vibes come back stronger to you, as well as being available for those who
are open and on the same level to receiving it. Keep on being positive. Realize
that you are going to get stronger positivity the longer you are positive, and
the same also applies to your negativity.
Realize that negativity is all around you, therefore you need to
actively feel yourself positivity.
Realize that you will be helping everyone in the world by being positive
and you are hurting everyone in the world by being negative.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. This week I
was hurt, by the fact that a close friend of mine seemed to not want to hear me
out. I was dealing with allot of challenges
in my life and could have really used the listening ear, but it became very
clear, really fast that I was on my own. Then I thought about it from The Law
of Attraction (LOA) point of view and it all made sense.
Let me break it down for you. You see, we are all on our own. It is not a reflection
on our relationships and it is certainly not personal. It is absolutely normal and if you see the
contrary, someone is trying to go against the laws of nature and eventually
that will back fire. What I mean by all this? It is something like this. When we feel like we are overwhelmed by
challenges, the social creatures that we are, we want to share the pain. You
don’t have to be a LOA guru to not want to hear the crap. It is completely opposite of what your
guidance mechanism (that part of you that wants to fee good), and how the Universal laws have programed you to
react. Some people, The LISTENERS, THE
EMPATHIC PEOPLE, override their natural tendencies to say “deal with it dude”
and will listen, but left alone this is
will have bad results.
You see when you listen to people’s negativity you are
coming down to their vibrational level, and you need to refuel yourself with
positivity just to get back to neutral. Too much of negativity will have the
effect of “burn out” because it takes allot of energy to overcome the
negativity, specially if you are not used to dealing with it, or if you are in
a place of higher vibration. So in
actuality I was doing my friend a
disservice trying to have him listen to my dilemma. If it was a problem solving session and I
needed advice we both could have approached the subject from a different point
of view, but I just wanted to vent. That is not productive as you read in my
last post.
My friend actually did me a favor reminding me that I am on
my own. I need to get out of my self-pity
and deal with the situations I was faced with. Yes they were not ideal. But I
would be stronger for it, and in the end I am sure everything will work out the
way it is supposed to work out for my best interest.
I hope this makes sense and I hope it helps you think twice
the next time you want to dump on someone close to you. Leave me comments on my Facebook posts, and Twitterfeeds, and let me know how you feel about this post. Till next week, to your success.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Good day and I hope
you are having a great week. Many challenges popped up this week for me. As I
mentioned before I am heading to the Middle East this week, and any type of
preparation you would do for a long trip is doubly complicated when you travel
to some parts of the world where we just don’t have the infrastructure that
most people are used to when they travel.
Anyway as I was dealing with the stuff, and listening to my
wife’s positive reassurance, I started to contemplate a phrase I heard in a
Buddhism 101 seminar. Nichirin Daishonin
a 2nd century monk in Japan who popularized the sect of Buddhism
named after him said and I am paraphrasing, “happiness is NOT the absence of
pain or challenges. Happiness is being
able to deal with pain and challenges and still choosing to be Happy”.
Recently I gave my 9 and 6 years olds my old iPods filled
with their favorite songs. I started to
think about how I used to listen to music on my Walkman and how we were so
impressed with the automatic switch of the tape from side A to side B and then
with the advent of the CD and how we
could easily skip to different songs. I
wonder how the tech generation would deal with having to find a song on a
Cassette Tape? Maybe I am not giving you enough credit? Would you be able to
handle forwarding or rewinding through the entire cassette to find your song?
Or would it turn your life upside down.
You may think I am being silly, but the stuff I see people complain
about, and yes at times, the stuff that I now complain about is really not much
more trivial than that.
As my wife likes to remind me, complaining will just attract
the crap I am complaining about into my life over and over. What can be gained
by complaining and wasting energy, instead of actually dealing with the issue?
Yes there are those times when I just have to accept the situation for the time
being, because there may not be any obvious solution. But even then, there is
little benefit that comes from complaining. I used to justify that it would
make me feel better to vent, but really it was not at all helpful. I would just
get worked up even more. Complaining does not lead to happiness. Working on the solution is a step towards the
right direction but even this should not be criteria for happiness.
Happiness is independent of what my situation is. Happiness is being alive in this time, in the
now. There is nothing more to be
said. Stuff happens that bring joy or
pain but that is all part of being alive and YES, IT IS ALL A PART OF BEING
HAPPY. From The Law of Attraction (LOA)
view point, when you are happy no matter what you are attracting more
opportunities to be happy no matter what. That is going to strengthen your
resolve, and life will, by default, be much, much better.
Let me know how you feel about this statement on my
Facebook, and Twitter feed. I hope this
makes sense and makes you think this week.
As always, to your success.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. This week I
am diving into BELIEF, FAITH, whatever you call it, as it pertains to The Law
of Attraction (LOA). LOA is unlike most
disciplines when it comes to the belief.
It’s critical that you believe that it will work for you, however, that
comes with a solid caveat that if you don’t get results, you don’t really have
to follow it. That is if you can honestly and truly say to yourself “I gave it
my all and it failed”.
This is very rare. By definition FAITH refers to belief in that
which cannot be seen. To my knowledge most religions, with perhaps the
exception of Buddhism, take this definition of faith to heart. Good thing then, that The Law of Attraction
has nothing to do with religion. LOA is
an experimental discipline. Much like science, you get what you put into it in
exact, tangible evidence. That is why it
is critical that you start with small things that you do not have emotional baggage
attached to. Because the belief in the fact that you CAN manifest what you
want, does very much hinge on you actually believing that you can manifest
it. It is not “I get, then I believe”, it is believe then get. It
seems like a catch 22 doesn’t it. I can
see you saying “A.J. which is it then? Do I believe blindly, or do I believe based
on evidence?” That is a fair and great
It is a little of both. Much like Nichirin Buddhism, LOA
works on success to reinforce your belief.
So you work on visualizing and getting in tune with something small,
like a parking space, or a free cup of coffee, and when that happens over and
over, then you start to see the evidence which in turn strengthens your belief,
which then allows you to take a leap to something bigger. At that point, however your comfort zone has
expanded, so that something bigger may be finding some small change on your way
to work, or in your jean’s pocket after laundry. Whereas before the parking space, you may
have been uncertain that you could manifest some change, now that you have
become comfortable with the parking space, you can see yourself manifesting
some change.
You have to realize that very few people manifest a million dollars,
or the relationship of their dreams right off the bat, by using the LOA. You may think so because by the time you hear
their stories, they have gone through and proven to THEMSELVES that they can
manifest at that level, due to the time and practice and yes, BABY STEPS, that
they have taken. But we as observers think it happened over night. It is like seeing a great performer on a show
like the old American Idol, or The Voice and you say “cool, how lucky they are
to get a break”. What we don’t see is
the years, and years, of practice to perfect their art and be ready for the opportunity.
As Oprah sais “luck is where opportunity
meets preparation”. We rarely see the preparation
of success. We only think, “oh if I just had the break, or if I was there at
the right time, or …” If you are prepared, it does not matter where the
opportunity comes, you will cease it, if you are not prepared, you will not
even realize there was an opportunity”.
I hope this makes sense to you and I urge you to challenge yourselves
on building your belief in LOA, by practicing, and preparing yourself with
small baby steps. Leave me a comment or
question on my Facebook page, or Twitter feed, and as always to your
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
I want you to do this now, and for the next 7 days. Every
morning be thankful for what you have no matter what. Every time you feel like
getting upset, envious, angry, hurt, taken advantage of,… whatever, give thanks
that you are alive and for everything that is happening because you should KNOW
Then give someone you would not usually smile at a genuine
smile… Don’t make this freaky though J
Let me know how this week works out for you on my Facebookpage and on my Twitter feed. Till next week, to your success.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. For the
benefit of those who will read this post in years to come, I want to set the
stage by giving the background that inspired the following video blog.
This action stirred protest and injunctions by many state
courts, and tensions were high, and emotions were even higher across the
country and across the world. Today is Tuesday, 2 days after that executive
order and this is my thoughts on the subject…
After viewing the blog video if you have questions or
comments please feel free to post them on my Facebook by clicking this link, or
on Twitter by clicking here. Until next
week, to your success. See the video here.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a great week. This week I
am going to approach the subject of resistance and the fact that sometimes what
we visualize does not materialize, from a different path. This path was revealed to me last night, as
though the Source realized I was going to make it the subject of this week’s
blog. Perhaps someone out there is wondering what they are doing wrong? Why is
it that everything they are doing is not manifesting that which they are
visualizing? You may have cleared everything, heard that you have to allow, and
are doing your best to allow, and nothing comes. What is going on? Is this
thing we call The Law of Attraction (LOA) broken? You may feel sometimes that
it feels like it is broken for you? You may feel you are “not worthy”. You may be ready to call it quits? Well here
is an interpretation you may not have considered, and I hope it will keep you
It does not matter where my inspiration came from because
that is a subject all to itself, and does not really relate. All I can say is
that LOA brings what we need to know , the wisdom, the manifestations, exactly
when we need and are ready for them. The
subject of WORTHINESS is not something you need to ever consider. You are a
part of the energy that has given rise to this magnificent world, and all the
Universe that this world is a part of, so to think you are not worthy
would be insulting that Source that created and brought you here. Put that idea out of your mind. You are WORTHY, and this is not just blowing
Sunshine up your you know what. IT IS A FACT.
There is however, a
quirk when it comes to the Universal laws.
Sometimes we are an instrument of their teaching. You know if I was alone on this world, my
manifestations would be instantaneous and there would be no resistance. We share this world with others and they also
have desires. This is not about
scarcity, this is about UNIVERSAL COMRADERY.
We are here to aid and assist each other in realizing that we are a part
of the Source, and sometimes that involves being an example. How you may be asking?
When we feel bad, or something has gone wrong, it is our
natural tenancy to think THIS IS ONLY HAPPENING TO ME. We think “I am the only person who is feeling
this way”. Worse we may start to think “what
is wrong with me?”. I want to give you
another way to look at this. The LAW OF
ATTRACTION (LOA) is using your
challenges as a lesson for those who will see you, to understand that THEY TOO
being a shining example, that if you can overcome this, so can the next person. You are literally attracting the positivity
for those who are open to receive it. You are an inspiration.
So the next time you have a hiccup, see it as a challenge to
persevere through for the benefit of not only yourself but those vibrational
companions that are looking to you to show them that they too can succeed. How cool is this way of looking at things?
This is the way the law works. It is not BS.
I hope this makes sense and you can share this with someone
who can benefit from it. As always I am
here to answer your questions. Leave me
comments or question on my Facebook and twitter feeds. I rarely get questions, so I am always ready
to answer. You are not bugging me, and your question may actually help not only
you, or me, but many thousands of readers across the globe. Thank you and I wish you success, till next
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Good day and I hope you are having a wonderful week. This
week, I was reminded of a folk tail about a shaman who’s teacher wanted to
show him
that perception is everything, so he send him to a teacher who made him
feel like an earthworm. In that reality, the shaman did not feel like a small,
blind, slimy animal, but he felt like a powerful bulldozer who pushed massive
boulders of rocks many times his size aside as he make his way through
cavernous tunnels in the underground.

I will keep this short and sweet as there is really no need
to stress this simple concept any further. Simple lessons are the best. I hope this makes sense to you. If it does
not, make sure to comment on my Facebook thread for this blog, or tweet me on my twitter feed and I will be happy to discuss it with you. Till next week, to
your success.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Good day and I hope you are well. I know this post will piss some
people off but hey that is the joy of living in a free country. If you are
going to be upset at least be objective to read the whole thing and not just the title.
Every religion that I have done a "cursory" study of
indicates there is ONE source, the Almighty, God, Supreme Architect. There are many other "ways of life"
that preach the same thing. Even if you are an "atheist", science tells you that something started this
whole thing. What is curious is that they all either say or imply the we,
humans, are either a part of or like that source. No issues with this
Here is where things get screwy though, when the concept becomes
a "Religion" there seems to come with it footnotes, or fine print,
that insert the proverbial BUT.
That is when something to the tune of
"do it our way or you won't get the prize" kicks in. When you have
statements like that there is room for conflict. Remember the book Animal
Farm ? Remember how the rules
changed from, now I am paraphrasing, "all animals are created equal",
to "but some are more equal than others"?
Maybe it is my lack of understanding of the language, but when
everyone is created equal and, by the same ONE creator there cannot be footnotes.
You are either equal or you are not. If everyone is equal then I ask humbly and
with upmost respect why do we need "different religions"? If we are not created equal and ONE does not mean one, we either have
misunderstanding of math or we just want to fight. When one set of people tell
another set they are wrong, big fights (wars) are ensued and of course "my
way is the right way" leaves little room for dialogue.
This is not a blog blog on religion. The Law of Attraction (LOA) is not a
religion. It can be proved by religion and science. It is universal and it
states that at least humans all are a part of the same whole which has always
been and has never been created. Curiously I noticed the same view is held by
Nichirin Buddhism which again depending on who you ask is either a religion or
a way of life. Because this is such a taboo subject no attention is paid to it
from a constructive view. I ask though aren't we as human race tiered of
killing each other over perceived differences?
Isn't it time for us to wake up and be enlightened?
We can sequence the human genome and see the wavelength of
different colors even the invisible, why can't we apply that to our phenotypic
world? I am going to leave this up for 2
weeks because I really want you to tell me how can we strive for peace and
happiness when we are determined to differentiate the most fundamental
similarity as a difference? Come on and take this serious. One person can make
a change. Think about this. Talk and share this with each other. Am I the only
person or a minority in this world who can see how awesome we HUMANS can make
our world right now and not a 100 years from now? This is the time for truth. We are on the
verge of the most amazing time in human history and things are just getting
better. Don't buy the crap your local or national media feeds you. Life is
F@$#%ing good.
Spread this on Facebook. Tweet the $@&# out of it. Argue with
me, clap for me, call me clueless, call me names but get emotionally involved
please. Don't let this blog just pass your notice with an indifferent glance.
Your future and that of your children depends on it. I love all of you in
advance no matter what you call me. And I wish you all an amazing week and
success for life.
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