Good day and I hope you are having a great week. In this
week’s blog I want to dig deeper into what it takes to use The Law of
Attraction and related techniques to achieve success. I think this post will be
of benefit to you if you have been a practitioner of the techniques but as of
yet have met with some disappointment or frustrations. Stay with me and I think
you will pick up some powerful tips here as my epiphany from reading TheScience of Being Great culminated in this post.

You can visualize, meditate, do EFT, etc. once, twice, three
times daily, and the rest of the day when you go to work your thinking you are
misplaced, you’re not appreciated, so and so did not do what you wanted. Then
you go home and watch some television and see people committing random acts of
violence or getting away with cheating, steeling, and generally being not nice
and profiting by it. You watch athletes making millions of dollars and behave
badly or throwing it all away. Since the television puts your mind in a state
that it will accept input without filter, you will be bombarded by all the
negativity and in this state you go to sleep.
The next morning you start again with a sense of gratitude
since you know that is what you are supposed to do. You will start your
visualization and resistance work again for a few minutes to even a few hours. Daaaahhhhh. I am being really, really obvious
here in an attempt to bring to your attention that as great as these ACTIONS
are and they are putting you above the other 90% of the population that is
totally going about by default, you can do better.

“Habitual thought and not environment or circumstance has
made you what you are” Wallace D. Wattles. Many teachers point out that you
have to live what you want now in your mind before you have it in your reality.
This point means you live your ideal in EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY. This can
only happen if your habits are the habits of what you want, and not habits of
reacting to what your external environment throws at you. These habits will
lead to actions that happen the way you want every moment of every day and not
just 2-3 times a day when you are in an optimum environment.
Thinking is arguably the hardest activity that human being
engage in. We do everything we can to avoid thinking. We
talk, watch TV. , listen to music, day dream to avoid thinking. It happens most
of the time without our conscious realization that we are doing it. You really
have concentrate on thinking and even then you will be bombarded by other things
that will distract you from your thought. It is a skill that can be mastered by
only practicing it. Do not be discouraged. This is a journey. The fact that
this information came to me at this point and I can share it with you means
that in some way you are in tune and ready to receive it now. You are on the
vibration of success. You are getting the tools you need to take the next step.
Action is the culmination of thought. Now it is your turn to take action.
Be grateful and think about it as much as you can. Visualize
and think yourself as the most ideal you can be in every way, all day. You will
be distracted and that is ok. Just like when you first learned about The Law of
Attraction, and realized that you control what goes into your mind, you are now
learning that just doing things is not as effective as consciously making a
habit of it. The first step is the realization and now you are in tune with the
next step. At first it will take concentrated effort to do things with thought
and purpose. Soon it WILL become your natural state. For as long as I know my
uncle has had a habit of thanking God, almost every few minutes. It is so
natural that I expect it. It seems like it has become a way of life. How
awesome is that? I still have to concentrate on giving gratitude and be in tune
with the fact that I can make a decision about
how I react to everything that is happening to me. I can only look
forwards to a day where gratitude flows from me on a continuous bases as it
does with my uncle.
I hope this post stirred some thoughts within you to take
your work with The Law of Attraction to the next step. I hope you enjoyed and
benefited from this post. If you have any comments or suggestions please visit
our FACEBOOK page and start a thread. This is a never ending educational
process for all of us and we can always benefit by each other’s support and
As always please feel free to share this with anyone who can
benefit from it. I wish you success till next week.