In the early 1900s Charles F. Haanel wrote the Master Key
System. Today I want to look into just
one concept. “The world within is the cause, the world without the effect; to
change the effect you must change the cause”. This is one of the summary points
at the end of the first chapter. When
Charles Haanel wrote this, it was designed as a correspondence course over 24
weeks. If you have the intention to read the book which I highly recommend, it
is important that you take at least one week to cover each of the chapters and
not read it like a novel as warned by the introduction of the audio book

I just watched Bob Proctor present his program and in it he
mentioned most animals blend into their environment, but man does not. He creates
his environment and he is the only animal that can do this by the virtue that
he can control his thoughts. The ability to think and feel, and believe in your
visions is so powerful, and at the same time so under emphasized in Western
civilization. Yet most of the successful
people in the world make their own reality. They always are told that they
cannot do it. There is always nay Sayers when you reach for the stars. Have you
been told “oh that is just a pipe dream”, “money does not grow on trees”, “who
do you think you are to dream that big?”.
It is not their fault. Our loved ones genuinely are thinking they are
protecting us, because that is all they know. I am here to tell you that you
need to change your thinking. DO DREAM BIG. Dream so big and it will bring a
smile to your face. Are you smiling yet?
Your thoughts will help you set goals. When you set goals,
and you start to concentrate on them as though you have already achieved it,
you will be presented with new opportunities to change your life. You have to
be persistent. If you are like most people and new to this, it will be difficult to get clear on what you
want and you will change your goals many times, and you will hit the fear wall,
and change your mind and you will be like a little kid that keeps on going and
disturbing the earth to see if the seed he planted is growing yet. It takes time. You keep on keeping on. Think about your
dreams every day multiple times a day. Get clear on the things you want. Set goals
and make plans and take action to pursue those plans. If you fail, give a little thanks because you
just learned a lesson and you can modify your plan but NEVER YOUR GOAL.
That is what Charles Haanel means when he says “within is the cause and without
is the effect”. I hope you enjoyed this
post and as always feel free to share this with anyone who can benefit from it
and comment on my Facebook fan page as well as follow me on Twitter.
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