Good day, and I hope you are having a great week as always.
I was grateful recently when one of my executive council members gave me a book entitled The Present By Dr. Spencer Johnson. Perhaps you have
heard of the author. This is the same author who wrote Who Moved My
Cheese and Peaks And Valleys. I just finished my first
read through the book and it prompted me
to post this blog post today.

Pondering what I have read, there is allot of logic to the
fact that if we are concentrating on the task at hand we will do the best we
can, and in all likelihood will enjoy it more. There is also logic in that if
we are thinking of many different things our focus is distracted and we may do
more harm than good. Quantity rarely equals quality. Trying to answer 100
e-mails, make breakfast, gulp down a cup of tea, and get the kids ready for
school rarely gets either of them done correctly. The eggs are burnt, the
e-mail to Joe may end up in the VP’s in-box, the kids will get out the door
with mismatched socks, you get the point. This is the routine though, isn’t it?
This is how the West is operating. If you don’t multitask then you will fall
behind… or will you?
I am trying very hard to test the contents, and advice given
in this book. From the stand point of
The Law of Attraction (LOA) I have to admit it also makes perfect sense. Even Napoleon Hill’s advice on setting goal
starts with being “perfectly clear on what you want”. The Law of Attraction
works and gets energy from our feelings. When we are distracted with multiple
tasks, I cannot imagine being able to give any of my desires the required
concentrated energy. It is like scattering the light rays of a flashlight. When
scattered a larger area is dimly lit. But when focused a smaller area is
extremely bright. Do I want to just dimly go about “attempting” to bring my
desires into manifestations, or do I want to be laser focused on the one
important desire, get it done, then move to the next one?

I think I have for the moment convinced myself that working
in the present may pose more advantages both from a success point of view, and
from a LOA point of view. I will work diligently on doing this in the weeks to
come. I look forwards to reading your posts. Perhaps many of you already live
in the present? Perhaps many have seen the light and are more advanced than me
when it comes to this topic and can share their experiences, and challenges and
how they overcame those? Please share here (click on the blue link).
Perhaps on the other hand you think this is a bunch of
baloney. May be you are the multitasking king/queen. I also want to hear from
you. I don’t think there is any right or wrong. I want to hear from both sides
of the story so we all can make a better informed decision and try what we feel
is best for us.
If you comment on this we can all learn, and this will be
the greatest post yet in the 4 years I have been writing here. I hope you will
help. Share this with anyone who can benefit or contribute to this post.
Comment on Facebook and / or Twitter. Click the blue links of either. Thank you
and till next Tuesday to your success.
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